Job Information- job placement
Self employment related training: Some people with disabilities are not able to go outside for jobs because they face difficulties regarding accommodation, outside movement, workplace accessibilities, toilet accessibilities and so on. Considering the situation people with spinal cord injuries are trained in such trades so that they can work and earn from home. Many SCI persons are living independent life by running shops, rearing livestocks and running nuseries with the help of their family.
Within this category the trades are shop management training, tailoring and dress making, computer office application training, radio and TV servicing training, mushroom cultivation, bee keeping training, handicraft training, hand loom training, gardening training, animal husbandry training and block printing training.
Wage employment related training: …..interviews, selections and job fairs. The trades include: Industrial Sewing machine Operator Training, Linking Machine Operator Training, Computer Office Application Training, Radio & TV Servicing Training. Following successful completion of trainingthe trainees usually get the training and after completion of the training they placed in job in different factories based on the pre training requirement etc. In some cases the donor supported empoyers provide the job opportunities in concern factories
At present a total of 1800 PWDs are working in different organizations.